God's not through with you yet. God's not through with you yet.
You make think you're through but it's not up to you.
God's not through with you yet!
Verse 1
He was cocky and proud and his voice was so loud and he promised He'd always be true.
But he lost his nerve when he ran into her and said, "I don't know him, do you?"
She said "You're out of luck and you can't pass the buck it's your accent, it gives you away."
Then he cursed and swore and he ran out the door and said, "That's it God's thrown me away But Jesus said to him
Verse 2
God said take a trip so he boarded a ship Jonah thought he could run away
He was full of fear though the message was clear, He sailed off the other way
God created a storm it was causing them harm and they looked for a person to blame
He was thrown overboard it was planned by the Lord and he thought it was the end of his days But God said to him
You may think that God's compassion is like a ship that's sailed away
But His mercy's new each morning and His compassion You know it's here to stay