My name is Craig Coffman and I have been a Christian musician since I received Christ as my Savior in 1972. That's probably before most of you can remember. That's just a couple of years after the Beatles disbanded. Since that time I have been seeking to honor Christ through the gifts he has given to me. I have served as a Christian musician and song leader, first in campus groups while in college and then later in the various churches I have been a part of.
I have served as a pastor, an associate pastor, and for almost 25 years as a music minister and have had the privilege of working alongside many very talented musicians and singers. Right now I serve as the worship director at Light of Christ Church in Gilbert, AZ. Christian music has evolved in many ways since the 70's. Styles and instrumentation continue to change, but for commited Christian musicians the goal is always to honor Christ and to help fulfill his Great Commission.
As a music minister I am always looking for good new songs to introduce to the congregation I serve. If you are serving in the same capacity then I am guessing that you are always looking for new songs as well.
Here are the qualities I look for as I decide to use a song:
1) Biblical lyrics that speak and teach truth in a compelling way.
2) Music that is interesting and helps to capture the attention of the congregation (and that the musicians will like to play)
3) Lyrics that point to our God and help keep our attention centered on Him and what He has done for us
With these things in mind I am also trying to create new music that will also have these characteristics.
There is no charge to you or anyone else to use these songs. If you find something that you would like to use, please feel free to do that. There are recordings for each song on the Music Player Page.
If you like one of these and want to download it to your device, then go to the Music Dowload Page and you can download this to any internet connected device and play it anytime. Please feel free to share this with your friends as well.
If you are a musician or music minister in your church and would like to use one of these songs in your service (and I hope you will), you can find the music (Lead Sheet) on the Lead Sheet Page and print it out.
The Lyrics for each song are also listed on the Lyrics page. I believe these are in the format used by planning center so you should be able to easily copy and paste these in as needed in planning center if you use that program.
All of the songs on the site are copyright protected so you don't have permission to alter them or sell them to others. But I hope you WILL use them in your church. All I ask is if you do decide to use a song that you kindly let me know. The more churches that use these songs, the more likely it is that I will eventually be able to offer these on the CCLI website.
Thanks again for visiting the site. If you have any questions or concerns just let me know by emailing me or giving me a call. My contact information is on the contact page.
I want express my thanks to the band from Light of Christ church where I serve. They are exceptional musicians and it is a privilege to serve with them. They are featured on the recordings. I play piano and sing vocals. Here are the names of the rest of our band:
Kit Halloff Drums
Justin Brotman Bass
Aaron McDonald Acoutic Guitar
Julissa Ruth Vocals
Donny Grubb Electric Guitar
Many thanks also to Ty Snopek who engineered all the recordings and also added his talents by playing harmonica. Also Shannon Boone played organ for us. Special thanks to Donny Grubb for adding his electric guitar on God's Not Through With You Yet. THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO HAS HELPED WITH THIS PROJECT!